Food & Health are Basic Rights

Community Feeding Partners Foundation (CFPF), is an organization focused on providing healthy food options to underserved and underrepresented communities. The Community Feeding Partners Foundation acknowledges that too many people, young and old alike, in the United States, are experiencing food insecurity and malnutrition.  The result of food insecurity has created a national emergency for the health and betterment of our disadvantaged communities.  Despite efforts to create better food and health equity across the board for all members of society, we have woefully fallen short of the goal.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, CFP has created an opportunity to diminish the debilitating factors due to the lack of:

  • Food availability

  • Food security

  • Healthy and nutritious food options

  • Resources, and

  • Health equity

Based on documented data, there are several groups that are disproportionately affected by the lack of food availability, food security, healthy and nutritious food options, resources, and health equity. These groups include:

  • School-age children

  • Urban At-risk youth

  • Veterans

  • homeless persons

  • Seniors, and

  • Rural communities

Our Services

  • Pre-Packaged Foods

    We provide nutritious and healthy pre-packaged foods to communities, schools, veterans, rural areas, and homeless programs. Pre-packaged foods allow for economically distressed populations the ability to eat where and when it is most beneficial.

  • Nutrition Education

    Our programs provide nutritional information to assist in developing healthier lifestyles. Our nutrition guides help individuals and families in meal preparation in an economical and healthy way.

  • Environmental Safety

    All of our pre-packaged food and nutritional guides are produced in environmentally safe packaging. We provide information to our stakeholders and community members about the importance of recycling, different ways to recycle, and local areas where recycling is available.

Get Involved

Do you want to do more to help provide better and affordable choices for those who need it most? Become a partner! Work with community feeding partners to ensure no one in our communities go hungry.